Spend Your Days on the Beach - Not in Court Health Care Lectures. (TM pending)

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Eye Doctors Survival Guide (TM)

One hour lectures on healthcare jurisprudence to help the Eye Physician "Spend your days on the beach - not in court. (TM)

My mission statement is simple:

To keep the health care professional treating patients and not in court.

There are many ways to learn

In person

On the internet with online courses

On a zoom call

Spend time on the beach - not in court health care lectures. (TM pending)

This says it all!

The Eye Doctors Survival Guide (TM) lectures have one aim - that is to educate in healthcare issues so as not wind up in court.

Theses healthcare classes discuss real court or state board (where I was once appointed to the New Jersey Board) cases involving physicians.

What happened and how might a similar litigation be prevented. So you can spend your days as you choose.

The lectures are intended to be healthcare lectures. These are NOT law lectures or classes.

The lectures are continuing education lectures geared to teach jurisprudence to licensed providers.